
BE, Inc. & Four Season’s Deliver Customer Service!

In response to a growing empahsis on tenant retention in commercial real estate, Building Engines sponsored a breakfast featuring guest presenter Michael Nenner, Director of Rooms at the Four Season’s Ritz Carlton Hotel.  The event was part of the Building Engines Executive Briefing Series which is held at various cities around the country every quarter.  Mr. Nenner’s presentation was titled “Be My Guest: Why Hospitality Matters in Commercial Real Estate.”

Mr. Nenner provided a condensed version of the famed “Four Season’s University” course that companies send their executives to from around the world to learn about the customer service program and techniques that have made Four Season’s the brand it is and the Ritz Carlton a winner of the Best Hotel in America award 7 out of the last 15 years.

The event delivered important lessons on:

How to build a customer service and loyalty program & instill a culture of serviceHow to set your service programs apart from the competitionHow to implement and measure your programHow to attract and retain the right kind of people for your brand

Source:  Building Engines

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