Five quick tips for better tenant communication

Would you describe your communication with tenants as simple or is it filled with complex forms and multiple phone calls?

Are you speaking to the right occupants in your building or just one person from each tenant?

Are you providing occupants with the information they want or does your communication typically consist of lackluster emails about the next scheduled maintenance?

Effective communication is a fundamental part of the relationships between property teams and their tenants. But the current way property teams communicate with tenants aren’t working as well as we think, and the process may even be outdated.

This helpful guide offers quick tips to improve tenant communication including:

  • How to encourage two-way conversations between property teams and tenants
  • Types of information that tenants would like to receive
  • Examples of the communication channels that encourage strong user adoption

Update communication methods with these tips to ensure proper communication between tenants and property teams and ultimately enhance and increase tenant loyalty.

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