Checklist: Simplify Key Equipment Inspections with CRE Technology

Property teams can’t afford to guess if commercial building inspections are done correctly. 

They need full visibility into building performance to prevent premature equipment failure, tenant complaints, and liabilities. 

But when engineers have a full schedule of tasks, recalling every item that needs to be checked, and when, can be difficult. 

Download the checklist to learn how to make daily building inspections faster and more productive. 

The checklist covers: 

  • How to alter inspections protocols to accommodate COVID-19 adjustments. 
  • The #1 reason why many building inspections programs are unsuccessful. 
  • Tools that empower engineers to simplify rounds and save hours of admin time. 
  • How to standardize inspections to extend the lifespan of key building equipment. 

Get your commercial building inspections checklist today! 


Read the Checklist

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