Is it easy to inspect your property and get the insights you need? Or, is it tedious and time-consuming?

Regularly inspecting your property is essential to keeping everything in good shape. But, manually gathering inspection data can take hours. Not to mention the time it takes to file and organize your inspections. By the end of the process, you’re not even guaranteed to have all the data you need. Or, be able to find it.

But, inspections don’t have to suck up so much of your time – or have incomplete and hard to find data.

How? With a building operations software that includes an inspections solution to streamline the process. With it, you can standardize inspections, access critical data, and increase visibility throughout your portfolio. So, you know how every property is performing – while decreasing the time you have to spend on inspections.

Wondering how inspections software can help you? Here are the top benefits of implementing inspections software for property managers.

1. Standardized Inspections

One benefit of using inspections software is that you can standardize your inspections across your properties and team members. That way, you always know the inspections are done the right way.

Inspections can vary depending on which team member conducted them or which property was inspected. This means that you’ll have different data after every inspection. And, not always the information you need.

Lacking a standard for inspections means crucial problems could go unnoticed. Instead of repairing equipment when it was a small issue, your team could miss the problem until the equipment fails. This could cost you thousands – and make your property less profitable.

Even if you have a paper form you require your team to fill out, they could fill it out incompletely. This isn’t as obvious on a paper form – which could lead to the same problems as not having a standardized inspection process.

Property inspection software can make standardizing inspections easy. You can create a digitalized inspection form from a provided template with a variety of question types – like text fields, dropdowns, or checkboxes.

And, inspections software can automatically send out notifications if any areas of the form weren’t filled out. That way, you know whether your team completed the inspection as you expected – without having to spend time tracking everyone down.

Inspections software can help you standardize property inspections – without requiring you to spend time you don’t have.

2. Accessible Data

Another benefit to inspection software for property managers is easy to access inspection data. That way, you can always find asset info – without spending hours searching for it.

With paper-based inspections, you have to manually file them. Whether that’s in a filing drawer or computer folder, you have to file the inspection once your team completes it. And, you have to organize it so you can find what you need later.

But, with a manual filing and organization process, inspections are bound to get lost. You might put an inspection in the wrong folder – and never see it again. Or, you might not get an inspection, and forget to track it down and file it. So, you don’t have inspection data when you need it.

To avoid this, you can use property inspection software – which makes it easy to find inspection data. Once inspections are logged, the software automatically sorts and files this data. So, you can always find what you need – without spending hours searching through disorganized files.

And, inspection software with mobile capabilities can help your team log data from anywhere.

So, while conducting inspections, your team can upload pictures, create work orders to fix problems, and note any other important info during the inspection. Plus, mobile access allows your team to take different inspection routes – to find problems missed during other inspections.

Having mobile access means your team can record info and request work to fix problems in the moment – before they forget it. So, you get a complete picture of the state of your building. And, any problems are addressed as soon as possible.

Plus, with cloud-based inspections software, you don’t have to worry about losing any of your data. You can access inspections history from anywhere – even if your computer crashes. That way, you never have to worry about not having data a building owner wants. Instead, you can impress building owners with your in-depth records and ability to find data quickly.

Property management software can help you store and access all inspections data – without the hassle of paper methods.

3. Portfolio Visibility

Along with standardizing inspections and making inspections data more accessible, property inspections software can increase your portfolio visibility. So, you know which properties are in top shape – and which ones need work.

Traditional paper inspections offer little ability to spot trends or see the big picture of your property. They’re simply a report of different aspects of your property on a given day. Depending on how your team conducted the inspection, the report might not even give you a clear picture of your property that day.

If you want to see trends for your property or across your portfolio, you have to manually aggregate all of the inspection data – which could take days or weeks. Then, you have to try to make sense of all the data to learn anything useful – which can be challenging and tedious.

At the end of this whole process, you have little visibility into your property or portfolio. So, you don’t know the condition of your buildings. Or, if your property conditions allow your building to operate efficiently with low expenses – which is essential to maximizing building revenue.

Property inspections software can make this process easier – and provide more insights than help you improve property conditions. With a dashboard overview, you can quickly see trends in any of your properties or across your entire portfolio. So, you know which properties are in good and bad shape – allowing you to optimize building conditions for every property.

Plus, with automatically generated reports, you can show management and clients the results you’re getting with their properties. This helps reinforce why you’re the best choice – and why they should recommend you to others. That way, you can impress current clients and gain new ones.

Increasing visibility into your properties and portfolio is another key benefit of inspection software.

Wrapping It Up

Traditionally, conducting property inspections has been a highly manual, paper-based process. However, this method doesn’t guarantee that you’ll get the data you need, be able to access it, and use it to see trends. So, you don’t get the full benefit of regular inspections.

Property inspection software, however, makes it easy to inspect your property – and gain valuable insights from it.

With an easy to use template builder, you can digitalize your inspections form – ensuring your team conducts inspections the right way. And, you can access all your inspection data in an easy to use and cloud-based storage system. Plus, you can see trends across your properties with a dashboard overview and information-rich reports.

That way, you can stay ahead of problems and make your properties as profitable as possible.

Looking for property inspection software? Give Prism a try. Prism’s property inspection module allows you to create inspection templates, access historical data, see everything in a dashboard overview, and more.

Get started with your Prism inspections demo today.