Julio Salazar, Senior Engineer at Wright Runstad & Company, won the Building Engines’ 2018 Property Hero Award, winning top place in the category of Maintenance Hero. This award recognizes outstanding maintenance that delivers positive tenant satisfaction through the day-to-day operations of buildings.

According to his peers, “Julio embodies everything a true Maintenance Hero should have; intelligence, a sense of humor, creativity, mechanical ability, wrapped up in superior customer service.”

We had the opportunity to sit down with our winner to find out more.


1. Congratulations! Is there anyone you’d like to thank?

First of all I am thankful to God for always looking out for me.

I would like to thank Tohni Rainwater for making this nomination possible and the rest of my team; Aaron Tim, Andrew, Cody, Trish, Austin, Jerry and Amy for their support.

A special thank you to the General Manager, Gayle Powell, for believing in me when she hired me 8 years ago and last but not least, Wright Runstad & Company who have been a blessing in my life all these years.


2. Could you describe what it’s like to be a property engineer?

I feel Property Engineers are the hands, feet, eyes and ears of a building.  We are here to keep the property running smoothly without any distractions to the tenants, while making a positive difference in their daily work activities.  For m,  taking care of this structure is like taking care of my second home; after all we all spend a good portion of the day in our jobs away from our place of residence.


3. What’s some advice you’d give to other property engineers about ensuring tenant satisfaction?

Always be sincere in your approach, provide service with a smile, listen and understand their request.  After completing the request, follow up with the tenant and let them know you are more than happy to return to assist them in the future.


4. How do you maximize your efficiency each day?

I take advantage of the Building Engines schedule calendar; it gives me the opportunity to see what is coming even before it fires on the PM screen.  I create a list of items needed to be completed that day and when necessary, plan ahead for any work than can only be completed after-hours. Lastly, as always, a tenant’s work request takes priority before any PM I work on during the day.


5. Can you describe the role of Building Engines in your success? 

Building Engines is a user-friendly program, easy-to-navigate on your PC or mobile device.  It allows me to add all the notes I need to document all the progress on the tenant request or preventive maintenance. My favorite part is attaching pictures to my work requests or preventive maintenance to keep a good record and information of the equipment on the building.


Congratulations, Julio!


“To be a Property Hero is to deliver on the promise of an outstanding customer experience. However, it’s often an under-appreciated responsibility.

We’re thrilled to provide a way to honor and highlight those who work behind the scenes at commercial assets across the country, and provide organizations a much-needed opportunity to recognize these leaders for their hard work every day.”

– Building Engines Chief Marketing & Strategy Officer, Scott Sidman

Learn more about how you can become a property hero everyday with Building Engines’ leading property management software.