Do you want to manage your space more efficiently – even when working remotely?

Managing your space can be a challenge when you’re in your building every day. Now that many teams are working remotely, it can seem almost impossible to manage your space efficiently.

But, managing your space well is crucial to maximizing RSF and NOI. And, you need efficient space management to win over prospective tenants and increase tenant satisfaction. So, if you can’t manage your space remotely, you’re going to have a less profitable building with dissatisfied tenants.

To manage your space more efficiently, even from offsite, you need a software platform that gives your team access to core resources from anywhere and gives you full visibility into your building’s performance.

Wondering how to choose the right platform? Find a space management solution that gives your team the ability to do the following:

1. Access Data from Anywhere

The first thing you should look for is a cloud-based platform that allows you and your team to access important resources from anywhere.

Much of your data (like tenant info) or tools (like floorplans or stacking diagrams) are likely stored in a combination of paper methods and local computer files. While that works well when everyone is onsite, it’s hard to manage remotely.

This means you and your team don’t have everything you need to manage your space while working remotely. Your leasing team will struggle to know when leases are ending and to provide prospects with floorplans in a timely manner. And, if tenants need space reconfigurations – like spaced-out workspaces to minimize infections spreading – you’re unable to respond quickly while remote.

Without access to your space management tools, you can’t meet tenant and prospective tenant needs – leading to unhappy tenants who will look for another building when their leases are up. This also hurts your chances of attracting new tenants.

To solve this, you need access to all your data and tools from anywhere. You could manually set up a file-sharing system, upload all your documents, and add every team member. But, that’s incredibly tedious and time-consuming.

Instead, you could use cloud-based space management software. With this software, your data is automatically uploaded and stored in the cloud. As such, it can be accessed from anywhere (like your home). That way, you have everything you need to manage your space even when you’re not on your property.

2. Easily View and Change Floorplans

To manage your space, you need to have floorplans and be able to change them easily for prospects or current tenants. But, to get floorplans, you need to contact your architect. Since architects prioritize new projects over already built projects, it can take weeks just to get an updated floorplan.

And, once you get a floorplan, you need expensive CAD software just to read it. If you want to make changes to the floorplan, you need to go back to your architect and ask for alterations. This can take another 2-3 weeks.

By the time you have floorplans and have changed them, prospects or tenants could have waited months. Prospective tenants aren’t going to wait 3-6 weeks just to see a space to rent. Instead, they’ll look at other buildings that can show and alter floorplans quickly.

With current tenants, your slow space management will make them dissatisfied with your building. When it comes time to renew their lease, they’ll likely look for somewhere else with faster service instead of renewing their lease – hurting building revenue.

So, you need to easily access and change floorplans – even when working remotely. While you could hire an in-house architect, this can be expensive. Instead, you could use space management software that stores floorplans in the cloud – so you can access them from anywhere.

Plus, with space management software, you can easily edit floorplans in minutes for tenants or prospects. And, you can do it remotely – helping you manage your space even when you’re not on your property. This quick turnaround time will wow prospects and increase tenant satisfaction – minimizing vacancies and maximizing building revenue.

3. Increase Building Level Visibility

To manage your space remotely, particularly during COVID-19, you need a solution that increases building level visibility. That way, you always know what’s going on at your building – even when you’re not there.

When you’re at your property, you can walk around it to make sure everything’s in order. You can talk with tenants when you come across them to make sure they’re happy. But, when you’re working remotely, you can’t walk around your property often or talk with tenants in-person.

So, it can be hard to know how space is being used, if tenants need space changes, and more when working remotely. But, if you don’t have visibility into your space at the building level, you can miss tenant leases expiring, opportunities to increase RSF, and chances to manage your space more efficiently to increase revenue.

The easiest way to have visibility into your space at the building level while remote is to use cloud-based space management software. The right software will have stacking plans that let you see all your tenants and lease info in one building level view. That way, you and your team can see any expiring leases or other space info at a glance – ensuring you’re always on top of space management while working remotely.

And, space management software also gives you a dashboard overview to help you spot trends sooner. That way, you know what has happened with your space and how you can manage it better in the future – helping you maximize building revenue.

The last way to manage your space better remotely is to increase building visibility – helping you know what’s happening even when you aren’t on your property.

Wrapping It Up

Managing your space is essential to maximizing revenue. But, when you’re working remotely, it can be challenging to stay on top of space management tasks like maximizing RSF, keeping up expiring leases, and more.

To manage your space just as well remotely as you do in-person, you need cloud-based technology that makes your data and tools accessible from anywhere. You also need a solution that enables you to access and change floorplans for prospects and tenants quickly and easily. And, you need to gain visibility into your space from a building level.

The right space management software will make it easier to manage your space remotely by providing a cloud-based platform, floorplans you can access and change in minutes, and dynamic stacking plans and dashboard overviews that make it effortless to gain visibility into your building’s space.

Consider implementing Prism. With Prism’s space management module, you have a cloud-based platform that lets you access data from anywhere, editable floorplans, full building visibility, and more.

Learn how space management software can make your team more flexible, efficient, and productive in our eBook: 3 Ways to Boost Efficiency while Remote with Space Management Software.