Over the past two years, we’ve seen an increased need for Fire Protection Plans (FPP) by our clients in NYC and are often asked many questions about this requirement. We hope this overview sheds some additional light.

What is an FPP?

A Fire Protection Plan is a requirement needed for a building to obtain a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO) or final Certificate of Occupancy (C of O). An FPP provides you with detailed floor plans of the building that shows all exits, doors, corridors, and partitions including fire barriers with wall ratings. These floor plans feature the use and occupancy of each floor/ space per the most current C of O or Schedule A.

The narrative for Fire & Life Safety Systems

The other part of the FPP is the narrative portion. The narrative details all building systems including fire & life safety systems, places of assembly, elevator recall, and standpipe/sprinkler systems. The narrative is written to be very clear and concise and does not cover evacuation proceedings or emergency scenarios as an Emergency Action/Fire Safety Plan narrative does.

What is the difference between an FPP and an EAP?

Fire Protection Plans and Emergency Action/Fire Safety Plans have several similarities such as they both include narratives and architectural floor plans. With that said, there are a few important differences to note. An FPP is filed with both the Department of Buildings (DOB) and the Fire Department of New York(FDNY) whereas the Emergency Action/Fire Safety (EA/FS) Plan is only filed with the FDNY. When filing an EA/FS plan Building Engines will coordinate with the building’s fire safety consultant. When filing an FPP, Building Engines will coordinate with an expediter to file the plans with the DOB.

FPP’s are typically triggered by a change in use, egress, or occupancy. Any new “Alt-1” filing with the DOB, New Building filing or Place of Assembly filing will also trigger the need for an FPP. Eventually, all high-rise buildings (7 stories or more) will require an FPP if there is not one already in place. The requirement for a C of O was established in 1938 by the DOB. Buildings built before this time that haven’t had a change of use may not have a C of O in place. Since an FPP is now a requirement for a building to obtain its C of O with the DOB, when there is new construction or a change of use, a building must apply for a C of O. A C of O documents the legal use and/or occupancy of a building. Until either a final or a temporary C of O has been issued a building cannot be legally occupied. Without an FPP in place, a C of O will not be updated.