Sure, you may have poise, grace and beauty, but does your building have what really matters? Note: looking good in a bikini does not make the list. Do you have what it takes to join the stage of the top performers in operations and management?

Over 450 buildings have demonstrated operational excellence to achieve BOMA 360 designation – and according to a study by Kingsley Associates, it’s served them pretty well. CoStar News cites that BOMA 360 buildings have a higher rate of tenant retention and a much easier time gaining tenants than existing Class A office buildings that don’t meet the criteria. They also have higher tenant ratings and satisfaction levels.

So, want to outshine the competition? In order to be the best at what you do you need to measure your success, because even if you are the best what good is it doing you to have that go unrecognized? No good. Buildings don’t get extra points for humility. We believe 360% in demonstrating your building’s high standards and proving your value – to owners, stakeholders, tenants, prospective tenants, and maybe your mother-in-law.

The BOMA 360 Program establishes 6 criteria by which to measure your building’s success. To gain recognition as a BOMA 360 Building, your building must meet various benchmarks in each of the following categories:

1. Building Operations and Management
2. Life Safety/Security/Risk Management
3. Training and Education
4. Energy
5. Environmental/Sustainability
6. Tenant Relations/Community Involvement

As an ambassador to the program, Building Engines encourage all of our clients to consider applying to receive recognition for their successes in these areas! For more information on the specific criteria and how to apply you can explore the BOMA 360 Program online.