You’ve got a lot going on. We get it. It isn’t easy to find the time to scour the internet for the latest property management and commercial real estate news when you’ve got a job to do.

With ‘The Weekly Building Beat,’ you won’t have to waste time searching. We hand-select the best industry content and publish it in a weekly list, made just for CRE property operations professionals like you.

This week’s most important property management news covers: Britain voting to leave the E.U., General Electric’s impact on CRE in Boston, unleashing your property teams, and #CRE on Twitter.

Let’s do this thing!


  1. Brexit Could Bring More CRE Investors to U.S. Shores (NREI)

    The votes are in, and it appears that the U.K. intends to leave the European Union. But some experts suggest that the move could in fact bring more CRE investors from across the pond to U.S. shores.

  2. Unleashing Your Property Teams to Improve Tenant Satisfaction (Building Beat)

    Tenant satisfaction is crucial to the long-term success of any CRE organization. Join Building Engines CEO, David Osborn, as he investigates how property managers can best unleash their teams to improve tenant relationships and their overall service experience.

  3. For Boston Seaport, G.E. Was Just a Start (NY Times)

    When the city of Boston captured the attention of General Electric, slated to relocate from their current Connecticut headquarters, it turned heads. But as The New York Times reports, G.E. isn’t the only company shipping up to Boston’s growing Seaport “Innovation District.”


  5. Social media has been transforming the way people communicate and do business, and it is now hitting the mainstream in CRE. Join RealMassive’s Erik Qualman, as he shares best practices for using Twitter to promote your CRE organization – all on TheBrokerList.

Property Management “Funny of the Week:”


Did we miss a piece of crucial property management news, or have a CRE story that can’t be missed? Let us know, by tweeting @BuildingEngines, with #CREBeat!