In today’s ever-changing business world, companies who can seamlessly and successfully move online are proving to be successful, while those less adaptive to change are getting left behind. Join us as Tommy Russo, CTO of Akridge Properties, presents a webinar on moving your business online and into the cloud.
As Chief Technology Officer, Tommy oversees all of the technological and informational aspects of Akridge. His duties entail discovering and implementing new, innovative information systems in order to provide clients with cutting-edge technology and lead the industry. His background in information systems and residential and commercial construction makes him an industry thought leader in online business.
Tommy will discuss many ways to move your business online and take advantage of all the technology now available, turning your building into an efficient, predictable machine. Topics will include:
- Best practices for predictable maintenance and monitoring building equipment
- Tenant expectations across a variety of technology-enabled management services
- How to use technology to stand out from the crowd and impact your bottom line
These and other areas of discussion will show you how to easily move your business to the Web and find yourself amongst business leaders already in the cloud. Don’t miss this informative webinar! Sign up today!