You’ve got a lot going on. We get it. It isn’t easy to find the time to scour the internet for the latest property management and commercial real estate news when you’ve got a job to do.

With ‘The Weekly Building Beat,’ you won’t have to waste time searching. We hand-select the best industry content and publish it in a weekly list, made just for CRE property operations professionals like you.

This week’s most important property management news covers: helping tenants find the right office space, why CRE property management thought leaders are MIA online, retaining commercial office tenants, the workplace of tomorrow, and personal branding.

Yup – the topics are a bit abstract this week, but trust us, they’re worth the read!

  1. How to Find the Right Office Space for Tenants (Beck Partners)

    Wait a minute. That headline sounds like it was written by a broker – and it was! But while this article on finding the right space for a tenant was written from a brokerage standpoint, commercial property management teams can glean valuable information useful for engaging tenants in long-term discussions on their wants and needs, and retain them for the long-run.

  2. Where Are the CRE Property Management Thought Leaders? (Building Engines)

    We’ve been covering commercial property management and operations for years now (since around 2000), but we’ve come to a realization: CRE property management thought leaders are missing from the online conversation. We look to answer: where they are, why they’re MIA, and what we can do about it as an industry, in this blog post by Building Engines SVP, Scott Sidman.

  3. How to Retain Your Commercial Tenants Throughout the Remainder of 2016 (Demetree Global)

    Tenant retention is critical to the success of any commercial real estate property management team. In this post, Michelle Heatherly of Demetree Real Estate Services shares several best practices for improving tenant communication, interactions, service and overall retention. It’s like tenant relationship management 101.

  4. Personal Branding: How to Do It (Joshua Lyons Marketing)

    If commercial real estate property management thought leaders are expected to join the conversation online, they need the right tools to do it. In this post, Joshua Lyons talks about how to develop your personal brand, what it takes, and how you could benefit. It’s good stuff!

Property Management “Funny of the Week:”


Did we miss a piece of crucial property management news, or have a CRE story that can’t be missed? Let us know, by tweeting @BuildingEngines, with #CREBeat!