TRANSFORM, the second annual Building Engines client event has come and gone, but the impact it had on attendees won’t be forgotten anytime soon.

The two-day long summit, held in the heart of Boston at the renowned Revere Hotel, was a way for clients to discover how their industry peers are working to “transform” property management and the way that they operate using technology-enabled best practices.

“Our goals for this year’s event were to take what we learned from client feedback from our first event last year, and incorporate those suggestions to make sure this year was even better, and I think we accomplished that,” said Scott Sidman, SVP at Building Engines at a post-show wrap-up. “Repeat attendees told us that they loved the additional time spent on deep dives into the product, and the addition of our Training Zone. The Training Zone gave folks the opportunity to meet and work one on one with people from our Client Success team, and have a little bit of fun too!”


The summit also held a series of interactive workshops on various aspects of the Building Engines product, as well as best practices shared by industry experts. “It was cool to see our clients talk to each other on how they’ve solved common problems using Building Engines or on their own,” said Kyle Maikath, VP of Client Service & Support. “There was a great spirit of cooperation and collaboration throughout the 2 days and customers appreciated the opportunity to provide feedback and influence product direction.”

And you don’t have to just take our word for it. Here is a quote direct from Audrey B., of Bissell: “We love how available the Building Engines team is to work with us on every detail to make sure it works for our needs.” Sounds like this event was exactly what they were looking for!

Attendees also had the opportunity to engage in lively discussion panels on best practices, and presentations on the direction of Building Engines as a company. “I really enjoyed moderating the panel on customer engagement, said Phil Mobley, Head of Research. “The three panelists have very distinct portfolios and each has its own different setup, yet they are all focused intently on providing excellent customer service. The most interesting part is that despite their unique operating models, they are each able to leverage the Building Engines platform and see such positive results.”

But the summit wasn’t all business – attendees had time to get out and explore the great city of Boston as well, attending a Boston Red Sox game at the beloved Fenway Park.

You can see what the event was like for yourself, by checking out our photo slideshow, and explore some of the presented slides. (And yes, we’ll be back for another event next year!)