Create your disaster recovery plan today to prevent lossThe end of summer is typically marked by large storms within the Atlantic. So far this year, no hurricanes have made landfall in the U.S., but that doesn’t mean that companies are in the clear. Disaster recovery is one area that many firms may find lacking if they are hit by a natural disaster.

The issue of continuity planning should be an essential part of business strategy, but it is often put aside for more immediate needs. Being able to stay in touch with clients, employees and vendors helps companies in any industry recover from situations faster. Building managers need to support their tenants as they struggle to return to normal activities. In many cases, it may be a property manager who is responsible for promoting the importance of emergency planning. Daniel Aldrich, a political science professor at Purdue, told WIBC?-FM that most people feel that disasters will never happen to them. This has left entire communities at risk, despite several high-profile emergencies in recent years.

Taking the time to develop and share evacuation plans and other crisis management tools can help tenants anticipate their own needs. Increasingly, recovery efforts are geared toward maintaining communication and access to digital information. Search Data Center stated that in the modern economy, being down for even a few minutes could cost firms millions of dollars in potential sales. Building managers can assist occupants with contingency strategies to maintain phone lines or Internet access following a wide-scale disaster. Even working with tenants to secure temporary, off-site offices could boost customer satisfaction and lead to lower turnover.

The source noted that flexibility is the key to getting through a crisis with minimal disruption. Having contingency plans in place allows companies to rebound quickly. Building managers should work closely with their tenants to determine if there are services they could provide during emergencies that would assist in recovery efforts. Knowing ahead of time what occupants will need lets facility managers anticipate problems and take steps to mitigate them.

Look out for lots more on this topic as we enter National Preparedness Month this September.